My mother had a bizarre accident on October 30th. She left a kettle of water on the stove and forgot it. The house filled with smoke...she ran to the kitchen to throw the kettle into the sink and the bottom of the kettle fell out, she then stepped on the hot metal with her right nylon stockinged foot. The fire department came as well as the paramedics who offered to take her to the hospital, but she waited for me to come get her. So we spent the evening at the emergency room, she had a two members of her ward come to the hospital to give her a blessing and then I moved in for the next 22 days to take care of her. I slept on the couch for 10 days before I remembered that it was a sofa sleeper...oh duh!!!
When we went to the podiatrist on November the 3rd, he was planning to see her every week for four weeks before he took off any of the damaged skin. We rented a wheelchair and loaded up on bandages. She was pretty much bedridden for the first week, just up to the bathroom and back to bed. Mom had some friends and her Relief Society that brought her food while she was down. It was gratefully accepted!!!
The next appointment on the 10th, he thought it was ready to take off the dead skin and then told us to come back in two weeks.
I went home on Friday, the 21st of November and promptly caught an awful cold that I am just now getting rid of three weeks later! (I missed Thanksgiving with the whole family and my cousin's bridal shower, dang it all!)
We had her appointment on the 24th with me wearing a face mask so not to spread germs. I was SOOOO tired!!! The docotor looked at her foot and said we were done unless she had any problems. We were concerned as she is a type 2 diabetic. It has been very painful, but we finally got her out this weekend to do some of her Christmas shopping and she did pretty good!
CINDY!!!! What a freak accident, holy cow! You're a good daughter. I'm sure your mom SO appreciated having you with her.
YUck! That looks terrible! Poor Auntie Pattie....
Holy Moly.. That is terrible... Rude hot water :)
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