Sunday, September 28, 2008

No More...

Well, my job at Desert Star was short lived...I'm not sure what happened to me but I went into melt-down mode after my first three shifts and just had to quit. I wish I could explain what happened but I can' perfect as I thought it would be for me it just wasn't. I still love Desert Star and will always have season tickets!!!

So for now I am helping my mom out and selling plasma. The good news on that front is that I had measles when I was little and so now I have an antibody that they want and I get paid an extra $7.00 dollars per time. WHOOHOO! Maybe they will find other antibodies that they's too bad I'm not rh negative...they pay a lot for those people.


Jana said...

Blood money is definately lucrative ... sorry about Desert Star!

Carrie said...

baby you BLOG!!!! I LOVE IT!!!