I got this clip off Facebook this morning from the National Equality March, so I'm not sure when it was actually aired...I agree with Keith and he said it so well...
Life is short and if you are lucky enough to find someone to love, it shouldn't matter what your color, what your religion, or what your sexual orientation is...what happens between CONSENTING ADULTS is no one elses business. LIVE and let LIVE, LOVE and let LOVE! Let our hearts BELIEVE IN EQUALITY for ALL of our brothers and sisters!
I want my name to be written in God's "Book of Love" and I know in my heart God does not make mistakes! The world has changed since the Bible was written...we no longer stone people to death, we no longer believe in slavery, we no longer offer blood sacrifices...as times have changed so have what we believe...
Women had to fight for equal rights, blacks had to fight for equal rights and now the gays have to fight for their equal rights.
A lovely "woman" by the name of Sister Dottie S. Dixon (she is a "marmon sister from Spanish Fark that wants to bring the gays and the marmon church together" and I just LOVE her!), posted a video clip on Facebook about a 10-year old boy who will not say the pledge of allegiance until "we have liberty and justice for ALL". What a brave young man!
And before you quibble with me...reread the part about consenting ADULTS!!! That's my point!!! The two key words: CONSENTING ADULTS!
5 years ago