I thought this was going to be a good month because I refinanced my home and paid everything off...yippee!!! So now I just have a house payment and utilities.
Took a while but FINALLY got rid of the three week cold that caused me to miss Thanksgiving and my cousin's bridal shower. The family was kind enough to bring me some food.
We finally had some big snowstorms, so winter has offically arrived and people traveling have had such a hard time.
Christmas Eve day my boss took me and my co-worker to lunch and then we were off for a long weekend!!! Whoohoo! I'm in charge of the ham this year, so went to Costco on Tuesday the 23rd and got two 8 lb. hams...then I went to mom's house to give her a couple of things she needed and we saw the commercial for HoneyBaked Hams...I won't have to cook...so we ended up placing an order online and when I got there at 4pm on Christmas Eve there were not as many people as I had heard were there earlier in the day. They have a GREAT sweet potato souffle, that we got for Christmas Day.
Had a nice Christmas Eve with the family until I got hurt...not sure exactly what happened...was holding a plate of food with red jello in my left hand and there was a little person I was trying to avoid and in doing some contourtions we all heard my foot snap...I am proud to say I didn't step or land on the little person and I managed NOT to get red jello on the white carpet!!! Yea Me!!!
So we got me to a chair and put ice on it. Luckily it was my left foot, so therefore I could drive my mom home. She wanted me to go to the ER and I said why do I want to spend $125 for them to tell me there is nothing wrong. Her response was that they would at least x-ray and wrap it and give me drugs. Okay, she had me at drugs!!! LOL!! It only took one and a half hours so not too bad, I have a bone chip that they are not sure is new or old.
My friend Peggie came and got me on Christmas day to go to my mom's. Had a nice dinner and watched "Mrs. Claus" with Angela Lansbury. Then home with my foot up and iced until Monday when I got to come back to work. Still hurts...
My cousin is getting married on Saturday and I think I am starting another cold...
I just have to say 2009 has got to be better!!! If things come in threes...I am done!! And so is my mom!!!
May you be blessed with happiness, health, hope and peace in your New Year!
5 years ago